Divisoria, Manila

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I find it more interesting to capture the candid expressions on people’s faces compared to the typical expression that you’d normally get from a portrait. Some might dispute this, but for me, the human emotion captured in raw is such a profound, more honest and compelling image.

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I’ve never seen Divisoria this clean and clear (photo on that cleaned up Divisoria on a future post). There were actually only a few people when I took this photo since most were visiting their loved ones in the cemeteries around the Metro on the day we took this photo.

This photo was post-processed on Adobe Lightroom for mobile. I’ve been processing my photos, on my phone the past few months as I’ve yet to restore Adobe Lightroom on my laptop since the hard drive crash last September. It seems very convenient to having to bypass opening up my laptop altogether and to just edit on my phone or tablet. I do hope Adobe and iPhone would allow for RAW file editing in the next update (I doubt this will happen anytime soon). Snapseed, recently acquired by Google, allows for RAW editing from what I heard, but that seems to be limited to Android phones for now (I hope I’m wrong).

See flickr for EXIF.

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