There’s a lot to clean up and fix on before I can begin development and migration into a new theme. Today I’ve managed to screw up the comments section by removing Facebook comments (and Disqus) and installing Jetpack, which I intend to keep as my commenting tool probably for the long term.
Importing or syncing back from Disqus has been a nightmare (mostly my fault) since I’ve done numerous changes in the past that required mapping all the URLs manually. I could, if I wanted to, re-map everything again and sync them back into WordPress, but going through the list of around 500 URLs also reminded me of the need to re-post or restore hundreds of really old posts from the 2007-ish version of the site along with all the link spam that came with them.
I’ve better things to spend my time this holiday season so I’m gonna go ahead and stop everything for now, and start up my Steam account and most likely get some carpal tunnel love on the top of my post-holiday-ailments list.
Did you know: You can create multi-column layouts using Gutenberg. It works great!