Took a walk with some friends a few weeks ago to help scratch a common itch (taking photos, just to be clear). I haven’t been walking a lot for the past few months due to my usual busy nocturnal schedule and getting out and getting some decent sun, and a few beers, was a good idea.

I took this photo when me and my friends were asked by these street kids to have their pictures taken. Normally I’d shy away if kids were asking as I would not want to draw too much attention to myself, but these kids were persuasive enough and this particular time it didn’t make me look like a giant creep since I have friends with me, so what the hell, let’s take some pictures.
When people come up to me to ask for a picture, I would often gladly oblige. Some of the people who would ask for photos taken are couples, the typical tambay, nosy street kids, etc… But a lot of times when my gut tells me “NO”, I would follow my gut and shy away or come up with some excuse.
If I could just be a fly-in-the-wall, in this case, a 300-pound fly-in-the-wall, I swear I could take photos all-day.