Happy New Year, Welcome 2016

2015 was a good year in general. I got to meet new people, launched a startup, and learned much from the past year’s experiences. I am looking forward to a much better one.

This year will also be my last 180 days of working on the Official Gazette and Open Data PH. We’ll see where we’ll be going from here.

We get to vote for a new president and other leaders in the next few months, I’m hoping we’d all make the right choices and vote based on principle and conviction. In the end, we get to vote who we deserve.

And hopefully, George RR Martin will finish his freakin’ book this time around.

I have a bucket list of things I want to do this coming year. Nothing specific, nothing concrete, but so far this is all I am allowing myself to list down right now:

  1. Launch an app or service.
  2. Launch a new publication. Produce content, Youtube videos, the works…
  3. Continue with my street photography. Learn more.
  4. A regular activity with my kids. Perhaps get into toy photography with my kids, particularly one-sixth scale toys. I’m looking at you, Tychus
  5. Health stuff. Yes, I’ll start by fixing my medical and life insurances, get on that bike, shed some fat, etc…
  6. Get a car. Commuting is getting really frustrating and it’s now an actual need more than anything else.

Let me get this straight, that list is not a new year’s resolution, it’s more of a rough guide.

It’s the 2nd of January when I publish this post, still a lot more to go, we have the entire year ahead of us.

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