Ynzal Loses Apple Reseller Status

Update: This is an old archived post on this site and is only kept online for my own archival purposes. The content and images on this post this might be outdated and incomplete. Please do not sue me if the Internet breaks because you read this.

Ynzal Marketing, one of the country’s leading Apple resellers has been stripped off its Authorized Apple Reseller Status. A copy of Apple’s termination letter was posted on Ynzal‘s website along with their public announcement.

The company has also posted a copy of their appeal for reconsideration on their website.

Scores of Mac users in the Philippines showed their support by launching an online petition for Ynzal to regain reseller statusand also by participating in the related thread on PhilMUG’s forums.

Ynzal Marketing has been known for their outstanding after-sales support and has always been the first choice of both corporate and hardcore Mac enthusiasts in the Philippines.

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